Dewa Athenna god is race or event that is awaited from each class because this is a game or sporting event where the event is a sporting event  divided several events in the event there were about twelve in a sporting event organized by the students SMAN 3 Bandung

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In Gods athenna or sporting event SMAN 3 is held is osis SMAN 3 in this event is the weekend sports where each matched in the field of certain sports in this event osis SMAN 3 has been set up from a few days osis also prepared that tool before implementation such as thanks to the speakers and other devices in this case also the god athena went smoothly thanks to them that osis SMAN 3 bandung.
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Athenna gods event is held in 3 days but not in a row on 23 and 25 March 2016 and resumed again on 8 April 2016 and starting from 7 am to finish but at that time the weather was very supportive with no heat and no cloudy .
The event was held in the grounds bali SMAN 3 and 5 at the time the event was held on Saturday and started from the morning show is very enlivened from each grade 11 and grade 10.
The event was held as a form of entertainment and use the time together classmates and fill in time for the 12th grade brother shortly UN.
The impression of each in this event is very pleased premises they work together to defeat their opponent is another class in some sports like gobak Sodor, basketball, futsal, badminton etc. they were very happy in this event they were photographed with a post in the jig or other medsos

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An unforgettable friend

An unforgettable friend

              friends present this world to accompany at a time in each event with that where in we passed hard fun together we pass the test of life that must be resolved with you friends and therefore I am here to thank me for you.

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             Here I will tell you the most fun or we say the most memorable the incidents that have recently occurred on Tuesday one of my friends fadly in love a commonplace in our age is the age of fifteen up to sixteen or future prettiest thing love or shag future sma where sma is the story sma be a memorable time in the future after college or we are married I'll tell you that we will not forget.
a couple of weeks ago I andevent to have fun dimassa holidays with riding the bike but because of my being exposed to love or love of yesteryear with still thinking about the girl whose past finally we change the event by inviting the girl who had keceng has long of period smp frequently remembered by my fadly after a long day we decided to watch because at that time there was a film we've been waiting a long time that is dear nathan which tells the story of romance in the mass sma is about the love story with a particularly complex issue and be a picture for two children was hit by a romance at the time at that point we decided to walk in tsm and at that point we proclaim they end at that point on can.

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at that time friends me fadly very nervous because the period when it had not occurred to her hand so cold at that time and at that point we just recently come in threes and at the time I left them together and finally fadly angry at the time but not directly afterwards without long I left the two of them and ended up at the time the two of them talk freely without any interference but the truth, and at that point the plan goes smoothly and finally friend come after that we went straight into the cinema and after the drama began them in the cinema tell each other each other and our plan was to run smoothly back.
interesting things in this plan is our successful team group romance fadly amounting to 8 people to try to unify Adam and Eve our version is fadly and mr x in this case we were a lot of thinking how continuity between them and besides it also girls are like diamonds as diamonds are very expensive to obtain not mean girls are materialistic but only guy just certain to obtain them than we ever heard girl resisting shot girl about 18 people and fadly was very curious about the girl's until harder and finally we've had three months to try to help fadly to approach one of these girls and initially fadly gave up with this and finally fadly approaching this girl like-snail slow but sure

even then I could tell you, and finally at the time of our plans and success thanks

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My school Holiday

My Holiday school

          Hello what up guys come back with me along the arap handsome I'm here will tell all of my activities from beginning to end  which finished school holiday activities.

   During the beginning of my vacation already planned my brother everything for a holiday in SMAN 3 Bandung is a miracle of rare as free from prison who are already in the criminal three years and was released as a miracle large and since the holiday was dating me every day always sleep late to night around 12 to at 3 o'clock dawn was like a tradition of my life during the school holidays every time I watch that much sleep I always play laptop or a game or a game in I was working during the school holidays other than that though is not healthy to sleep tonight but I do every weekend Dating that  not know why every hour of my holiday that much.

   In addition, during the holidays I was invited by the closest relatives of me to participate in a touring or events that we often hear that sunmori (Sunday morning ride) the event is often held among motorcycle enthusiasts in any event sunmori is usually done when the bias every week or event already planned on a large scale or a planned event for one day.

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     In addition, as long as it also shows sunmori bias formally organized formally or informally, namely as an official event sunmori is generally held in the proper planning and usually escorted by police to maintain security when driving and unauthorized usually organized by an event invitation to follow sunmori event with people nearby.

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          If we look at the positive side, SUNMORI indirectly can take the lead safety driving. This can be proved by the use of safety gear apparel qualified. Hearing the word qualified is certainly imagine an image, brand, quality is above average, and the price reflects the quality of the goods.

          Definitely among us anyone agree if mimin said that only those "crazy" who are willing to spend in the "only" for a helmet, a pair of gloves, or a set of riding apparel. crazy in question is an act of anti-mainstream lifestyle amid the community in general who consider devices such as helmets only as a formality.
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Then, the negative side of what?
       It is inevitable if Sunmori become an arena show off their driving skills rider, ranging from skill in shifting gear up with cornering using one hand, everything becomes its own characteristics for each rider. Although not a few riders who prefer a leisurely drive even too relaxed as they prefer enjoying the air in the morning rather than adrenaline amid the points of the morning dew I so be happy.

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